The Future…

Sophie Murray
2 min readMay 5, 2021

The scariest word in the world for a 20 year old who doesn’t really know what she wants to do. I have personally always been one to look far ahead into the future. I always want to know what my next job will be or where the next step in my career should be… but I have recently realized that it should not be my mindset at all. I look to the future and hope to have a great job and have money to support myself, but my happiness should always come first.

5 years into the future… I see myself living alone in New York City, living a life that I have always dreamed. I see myself working at COTY or a beauty and fashion organization in their PR department. I am enjoying my work and having fun every day, happy with who I am, and content in. some ways.

10 years into the future… I see myself having moved to another state or country, trying more new things. I hope to see myself happy and still enjoying every moment of my work. Maybe I’ll have moved into non-profit or do work traveling.

15 years into the future… I’ll be 35. God. Hopefully I’ll have made big career moves and have found a place to settle. Maybe I’ll have children in a family or maybe I live in northern France alone. I think the happiness I feel will be there regardless. I’ll always look for more adventure.

25 years into the future… I literally have no idea. I can’t imagine being the age my mother is now. I hope that my family will still be happy and healthy and the my happiness has remained. Maybe I live closer to my mom and have raised good children.

I know this question was loosely career based, but I just hope that I am still me at the end of the day. Someone who loves to read, write, spend time outside, and do things that are fun. I see our life as one that is short and must be cherished every step of the way. Pushing the limits is sometimes exactly what we all need. I never want to waste my life being stressed out or unhappy… I want to do fun things and enjoy myself always.

