PR Boxes: A Public Relations Dream

Sophie Murray
2 min readMar 17, 2021

With the new and improved social media platform known as TikTok on the rise, brands have seized this opportunity to create the most buzz about their brand as possible by sending ornate packages to users with millions of followers. The concept behind sending PR packages and their creative design is what truly interests me. The basic idea of partnering with a social media influencer within the exact age and range you intend your product or service to be marketed to, is sensational.

PR packages are some form of an organization’s product arranged in an appealing and exciting way, to be mailed. A PR package can come in the form of a box filled with an organizations products, merchandise for a brand, or “freebie” items related to that brand. Click here for a breakdown of what every PR package should have.

The partnership between a brand and an influencer requires the influencer to post a video/picture to their page within agreed upon boundaries. This can include specifications such as the exact social media platform it is to be posted or how long the video clips should be. Videos such as this can easily get millions of likes and promote the brand to the perfect demographic in an instant.

An example of that success is with Laura Lee. With just shy of 5 million subscribers on YouTube, Laura’s PR unboxing video has received close to 500,000 views.

Any organization, large or small, could benefit from this greatly. This is an incredible way to display your product to your preferred audience in any way you want. Targeting an audience has never been easier.

Personally, I think PR boxes are one of the smartest and most successful new ways to grow a brand or showcase a product for an organization. This can also improve the identity of a brand if done correctly. If your brand wants to support young entrepreneurs, working with influencers who have less followers comes across amazing to the target audience. The many ways you can work this are incredibly worth it and have been proven to increase awareness and sales. For more ideas on how to create you PR package, click here for inspiration.

