Ads that Influence Me

Sophie Murray
2 min readMar 23, 2021

I’ve said before in my precious blogs that I love putting myself in the position of the consumer to get inside the minds of a potential audience. I think the typical consumer is expected to be intrigued by bright colors and quick thinking, rightfully so.

People want something that makes their lives easier, while usually paying less that an average price. I, for one, never buy anything if it isn’t on sale. I truly look for companies who I know have annual sales to partake in. Equally, if an ad on Instagram has bright or flashy colors and some form of sale, I will likely click the link and shop.

Here are a few of the ads that grabbed my attention this past week.

Each of these ads use aspects that appeal to me.

The nfl sponsored post uses a catchy and entertaining video reel of players from past games. These cool moments always make me stop and watch.

The ilmakiage post appeals to me through the ease of purchasing makeup without having to go into a Sephora or an Ulta. Right now, so many people would much rather avoid public places, so this is great.

The third post is from dollar shave club. Although I’ve never purchased from them before, I am seriously considering spending only $5 to try them out. This is a great way to market a necessary item for a great price.

Overall, I am attracted by fun and fast-acting ads, no matter the industry. Even when something doesn’t appeal to me at first, with the right ad, I am hooked!

